Advantages of ANKÖ LgU® for contractors

Time and cost savings

The LgU® is a clear online collection of your proof of suitability. Once uploaded, documents can be used infinitely.

Automatic updates

Evidence is constantly updated through automatic interfaces, which means you don’t have to get it yourself. This includes data from the commercial register, GISA, BUAK, LSD-BG, AuslBG, social insurance, KSV1870 and much more.

Better discoverability and faster verification

9,000 public clients search for and find reliable companies for their orders in the ANKÖ LgU®. You benefit from the fact that your proof of suitability is available online in an orderly and complete manner — public authorities expressly prefer this.

All data in one place

You have access to your data at any time. You can get 24/7 maintenance, make uploads and have a perfect collection of all relevant data in one place.

Simply fill out the online form and you’ll be ready to go in just a few minutes. Our customer service will be happy to advise you on any questions you may have about registration. As long as all the required data is available, your company will be activated immediately.

Upload your proof of suitability just once and use it to prove your suitability in multiple award procedures.

Our customer service will help you keep your proof of suitability up to date. In many cases, documents are automatically updated via interfaces.

Clients can check your suitability at any time with your consent at the touch of a button.

Register now online for the Liste geeigneter Unternehmen® (LgU)!

Decide now to register your company in the LgU® and immediately benefit from the numerous advantages of your ANKÖ membership. To register your company and prove your suitability, simply fill out the registration form online.

Click here for the online form!
The customer service of the ANKÖ – Liste geeigneter Unternehmen® (LgU) looks forward to hearing from you. We are happy to help!
Opening hours and availability: We are available Monday to Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Mag. Valerie Kramer

Teamleitung LgU®
(Betreuung Unternehmen D)

+ 43 1 3336666-35

Dana Biedermann

Teamleitung-Stellvertretung LgU®
(Betreuung Unternehmen E, G, X, Y, Z)

+ 43 1 3336666-34

Daniela Simek, BSc

Produktmanagement LgU®

+ 43 1 3336666-31

Raemar Baliwag

Kund:innenbetreuer LgU®
(Betreuung Unternehmen M, P)

+ 43 1 3336666-49

Andrea Biricz

Kund:innenbetreuerin LgU®
(Betreuung Unternehmen B, I, U)

+43 1 3336666-36

Heinz Cserna

Kund:innenbetreuer LgU®
(Betreuung Unternehmen H, J, L)

+ 43 1 3336666-32

Simone Gamauf, BSc

Kund:innenbetreuerin LgU®
(Betreuung Unternehmen Q, S)

+ 43 1 3336666-52

Martin Köhler

Kund:innenbetreuer LgU®
(Betreuung Unternehmen N, R, W)

+ 43 1 3336666-33

Amela Medinic

Kund:innenbetreuerin LgU®
(Betreuung Unternehmen F, O)

+ 43 1 3336666-47

Emna Sehic, BA

Kund:innenbetreuerin LgU®
(Betreuung Unternehmen C, K, V)

+ 43 1 3336666-24

Sidra Syed Ali, BSc

Kund:innenbetreuerin LgU®
(Betreuung Unternehmen A, Z)

+ 43 1 3336666-43

Hilina Woldemariam, BSc

Kund:innenbetreuerin LgU®
(Betreuung Unternehmen G)

+ 43 1 3336666-41