Advantages of ANKÖ LgU® for contracting authorities

Proofs of suitability at the touch of a button

The suitability data of your bidders is available online at any time and thanks to a seamless protocol, the check is possible at any time.

Current data thanks to automated interfaces

Numerous proofs of suitability are being automatically updated by using different interfaces

Easily request data updates

You can request missing data directly from the company via the database simply and conveniently. This simplifies and speeds up the suitability test for you and the bidders.

More than 11,000 companies present themselves in the LgU

More than 11,000 companies present themselves in the LgU® and are viewed over 100,000 times every year.

In order to be able to fully use the ANKÖ – Liste geeigneter Unternehmen® (LgU), please contact us and request your access data. As a client, you can create an unlimited number of user accounts.

Then log in and search for the company you want to check for the fulfillment of the selection criteria.

You can access all proofs of suitability and any information, export them all into a PDF document and save them locally in the same format.

If you are not a public contracting authority, the access to the companies you want to check must be enabled to you in advance. For this, you have the following options:

  • You can provide us a power of attorney of the public contracting authority you are working for, or
  • You can obtain an approval to enable access to the proofs of suitability for the companies that should be checked.


Prices depend on the number of accesses. The more suitability checks you carry out, the cheaper a single check becomes.

  • unlimited number of user accounts
  • no set-up fees

New questions regarding suitability checks have occurred? Feel free to contact us. We will be glad to help you!

Get to know the LgU® at one of our webinars!

Discover all the functions and innovations of our system in our regular LgU® webinars. Our team will explain every detail and is available to answer your questions. Dive in and optimize your LgU® usage with us! Our webinars are only available in German.

Click here for the webinar calendar!

The customer service of the ANKÖ – Liste geeigneter Unternehmen® (LgU) looks forward to hearing from you. We are happy to help!
Opening hours and availability: We are available Monday to Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Dana Biedermann

Teamleitung-Stellvertretung LgU®
(Betreuung Unternehmen E, X, Y, Z)

+ 43 1 3336666-34

Amela Medinic

Kund:innenbetreuerin LgU®
(Betreuung Unternehmen F, O)

+ 43 1 3336666-47